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Mobility assistance

Financial assistance for international mobility

  • European support for international mobility ERASMUS+

ELISA Aerospace is a signatory of the ERASMUS+ Charter for higher education. ERASMUS+ is a European program reserved for students doing an internship in a country of the European Union or a member of the program.

A number of grants are available to students who wish to study abroad under the Erasmus + program https://info.erasmusplus.fr/.

The exchange program may award a scholarship, the amount of which varies according to the destination country. On average, scholarships range from €310 to €600/month for northern European countries, from €260 to €540/month for southern European countries, and from €200 to €490 for eastern European countries. This amount can be combined with public assistance, which is a lump sum of €400/month. To limit local costs, be sure to order your health insurance card for Europe in good time, and check that your cell phone data plan can be used in Europe (calls and text messages are free under Rooming). Generally speaking, the mobile packages with the most international GB are those offering unlimited 4G, with a large 4G connection envelope and often including 25 to 100 GB that can be used in Europe.

To make sure everything is in order, you should take this step as early as possible. For more information or a specific question, please contact the Erasmus France toll-free number

ELISA Aerospace students can benefit from Erasmus+ financial support for internships in eligible foreign countries for a minimum of 2 months. Over and above the cultural and linguistic dimensions, these experiences enable us to acquire a wide range of theoretical and technical skills, as we come face to face with different methodologies and managerial approaches.

The scholarship
helps finance the cost of an internship abroad.
A precise procedure must be followed, setting out the elements for calculating the grant.

Erasmus strategy statement

ERASMUS 2014 2020 Charter signed Chairman

  • AMI – international mobility assistance for students on state scholarships

This aid amounts to €400/month, paid monthly for the duration of your stay abroad, up to a maximum of 9 months. The student must be under 28 years of age on September 1 of the school year in which the stay abroad is to take place. This lump-sum grant is intended to cover part of the unavoidable costs of a stay abroad, so as not to restrict the opportunities available to student beneficiaries. Indeed, one in two families cannot afford to pay for student accommodation away from home. To limit unforeseen costs during your stay abroad, it’s a good idea to make sure that your student health insurance covers costs abroad and repatriation. Student mutual insurance companies sometimes also cover tuition fees in the event of interrupted studies.

  • Regional aid for international mobility

Regional councils award mobility grants for internships abroad.

The Hauts-de-France region provides financial assistance to students wishing to do an internship in a foreign company (excluding DOM TOM), based on applications and criteria.

To go further:
Mermoz grant

The New Aquitaine region also supports students in their international mobility through its “bagages” or “Aquimob” scheme.

To find out more:
Aid for the New Aquitaine region